There are many different thoughts and methods that people use when making kava, but the one universal method involves agitating the root. Kavalactones are the compound, which makes kava enjoyable as well as where all of its benefits reside. Kavalactones sit on the top of a kava root. The root must be agitated to activate the kavalactone and one can do that by taking pounded root and placing it in some type strainer bag. Rooted Kava recommends using 150-200 micron nut milk bags (you can find the strainer bags in the accessories section) and placing 50-60 grams per quart inside the bag. Use the drawstring at the top of the bag and tie off to secure the root inside the bag.

Example: If you wanted to make 2 quarts., or half-gallon you would put 120 grams in your strainer bag.
Place strainer bag in a mixing bowl and start to pour your water over it in micro-pours. We recommend 3-4 “washes” per batch so gauge your pouring in that way. Once you pour over, place your left hand on the top of the bag and start massaging the kava in the water. Make sure when you are washing you are agitating the entirety of roots inside the bag. Once the water turns to a blonde milky substance that wash is done. Pour that into the container you want to store your kava and start your next wash in your mixing bowl. There are many different ways to agitate the root but find which way works best for you. We’ve found rapid, violent motions work best to activate the kavalactones. We’d love to hear your experiences and how this works for you and feel free to ask us any questions moving forward. Check our Food Label Symbols Link !!!