At Kings Kava we love our customers and want them to enjoy benefits for their loyalty. Earn 1% Bula point for every dollar you spent which can be used across our range of products. Points are earned per transaction and can be redeemed for next order.
- Sign Up for an Account: Signing up for an account nets you a one-time 500 Bula Points.
- Review a product and you will get 110 points deposited as soon as it’s approved.
- Like us on Facebook and we’ll add 100 points to your account.
- Post about us on Instagram or Facebook – 100 points.
- Post a review about us on google – 150 points.
- We are adding new ways quite often; check back for more ways to earn free Yaqona!
Please provide proof when you like us on Facebook or post about us on your social media by emailing us at “”.
Got More Questions?
Read more at FAQ or Feel free to call us with questions about the program at +64 27 663 2720 or via email at ““. We answer all emails within 24-48 h