
Yaqona Bar

The national drink of Fiji “kava” is also know as Yaqona. It is know by colonial name “Grog” and commonly name by Kava in United States. Kava is a muddy, earthy beverage that calms you and numb your mouth and throat & if you drink enough Yaqona, you will feel a mild euphoric buzz. Kava is powdered from a root of a pepper tree called piper methysticum strained through a wooden bowl full of water.

There are many legends surrounding the origins and importance of Fiji kava. From preparation to consumption, there are specific meanings and rituals for Yaqona.

Traditional Yagona Bar

Kava is accompanied at Yagona bar or ceremony where people gather together to celebrate the Fijian kava drink in a bowl which is made of coconut shell. These practice can range from a formal affair with guest to enjoy the happy hours among friends and family while playing guitar and singing. Each participant clap once before and three times after each drink.

Kava has been consumed across worldwide for thousand of years. People are inspired to open the Yagona bar up to everyone.

Kava Craze at Lacuna Kava Bar
kava kava

Benefits And Safety Concerns

kava is an herbal remedy that some people use to relieve stress and anxiety and boost sleep. This plant extract has a calming, euphoric effect.

Yaqona, or just kava, has a long history of utilization in traditional ceremonies, elective medication and customary services. All the more as of late, it has discovered a spot in some clinical research studies.

What is kava (Yaqona) ?

Kava Kava
Kava Kava roots selective focus for background

Kava originates from the Piper methysticum plant, which is local to islands of the Pacific Ocean. Traditionally, people made a paste from the plant’s root and mixed it with water on wooden Tanoa to create a drink.

Individuals local toward the South Pacific islands utilize this kava drink during cultural and religious ceremonies to make a condition of modified cognizance. Individuals can likewise make powder or tablets from the dried roots.

Expending kava has an unwinding, euphoric impact. Researchers consider drugs that have this quieting impact anxiolytic. Liquor, which has comparable impacts to kava, is another anxiolytic medication.

These properties are the reason many use it as a recreational medication and a medication, as it can help decrease pressure and tension.

Utilizations and conceivable medical advantages

People use kava kava to relieve anxiety and promote sleep. The essential utilization of kava is reducing stress and anxiety. Research suggests that kava could help treat the symptoms of anxiety disorders.

How to use kava kava?

Traditionally, people make kava kava root into a paste and mix it with water. The medication can come in fluid structure and blend in with different beverages, for example, juice which is served on a kava bowl made of coconut shell.

Is kava kava safe to use during pregnancy?

There has been little investigation into the impacts of kava in ladies who are pregnant. Until increasingly complete research is accessible on its security, it might be ideal to abstain from utilizing kava during pregnancy.

premium kava

The Truth History of kava

Kava comes from the root of the yaqona (piper methysticum) bush, a relative of the pepper plant. The root is ground up and then strained with water into a large wooden communal bowl (or sometimes a plastic bucket, depending on what you have on hand). Simple preparation for a simple drink.

Yaqona is one of Fiji’s biggest crops and exports. You are absolutely allowed to bring kava into the US, and can even buy it everywhere, even at the airport!

Kava, also known by its Fijian name yaqona, is an indigenous plant that has been long used by Pacific Island cultures for its pleasant relaxation effect. Kava is made from a pepper plant (piper methysticum) and only the root is used. It is first pounded into fine powder and then mixed into fresh water.

Bula Kava Drink
Kava in the South Pacific, is Fiji’s national drink. It plays an important part in Fijian ceremonies and is used as token of goodwill and respect amongst the people of the South Pacific islands.

The majority of Fiji islanders drink kava on a daily basis with no ill effects. The popularity of kava in Fiji might help to account though, for the slow and relaxed pace of the islands and the popular concept of “Fiji time.”

premium kava

Why You Should Definitely Get Kava Drink

The guy serving the kava is also of high importance, usually as he’s the one making it, but also because of the fact he’s also in charge of how much you have to drink, so it pays to be nice!

Kava is prepared in a dedicated kava bowl – usually carved or pretty ornate looking and served in a coconut shell. Servings wise you can request a low tide, mid tide or high tide serving…pretty self explanatory really.

Kings Kava
Time To Get Started!

How you will feel

Once you drink Kava, you will probably feel tingling and numbness in your tongue.

Kava is a very mild narcotic and is known to make people feel relaxed.  You are guaranteed to have a good nights sleep after a couple of high tides and you will wake up feeling well rested and energized.

Fijian people are known to be some of the happiest on the planet and somehow we think that the Kava may have something to do with that.  It was sold as an relaxant in the States in pill form at one time, but they couldn’t capture the exact formula of drinking it fresh from the root.

How Kava tastes?

Fiji Kava
An islander sips kava

Like muddy water, literally.  With a bit of bitterness. It is how should you say…an acquired taste

Fiji kava

Kava Ceremony In Fiji

When visiting Fiji you will find yourself taking part in many a Kava ceremony.  It is an important aspect of visiting any village and it is customary to present a gift of Yaqona (Kava root) to present to the executive head of the village.

Kava Ceremony In Fiji
Indigenous Fijians men participate in traditional Kava Ceremony in Fiji. The consumption of the drink is a form of welcome and figures in important socio-political events.

It can be a little confusing when you don’t know what to do, but don’t worry, the Fijian people are very patient and will talk you through the process. But to make things a little easier for your next trip to Fiji here are some facts and tips on what to expect when partaking in your very own Kava ceremony.

Kava ceremony
Drinking Kava at the ceremony
  • When entering a village always bring a gift of kava root. It can be picked up at a local market.
  • Women should always wear a sulu (sarong) and dress modestly.
  • Men should dress respectful as well.
  • The eldest man enters the house first followed by the rest of the men and then the women
  • Everyone must sit down and remain seated during the kava ceremony.
  • You are allowed to take photographs, but it is always respectful to ask.
  • The chief (the eldest man in your group) presents the root to the Village Chief.
  • The ceremony then begins as the villagers grind up the Kava and strain it through a cloth bag into a large wooden bowl placed in the middle of the room.
  • It is then offered to your chief and second
  • Then the village’s executive head drinks the Kava before it is offered to the rest of the room.
  • After that it is shared with everyone.
  • The men drink first and then the women.
Fiji Kava Ceremony
Clap once with a cupped hand making a hollow sound
  • Clap once with a cupped hand making a hollow sound
  • Yell: Bula!
  • Drink in one gulp
  • Clap three times
  • Say: Mathe


The Kava ceremony brings two families together and they are now one after the ceremony. It is a big celebration after the Kava ceremony with dancing and music. It’s a wonderful way to interact with the local villagers. Don’t be shy, join in the dancing. Fijians are the most friendly and welcoming people on earh.

After the Kava ceremony, the visitors are free and welcome to enter and explore the village as they please.

Prepare kava

Traditional Way to Prepare Kava

There are many different thoughts and methods that people use when making kava, but the one universal method involves agitating the root. Kavalactones are the compound, which makes kava enjoyable as well as where all of its benefits reside. Kavalactones sit on the top of a kava root. The root must be agitated to activate the kavalactone and one can do that by taking pounded root and placing it in some type strainer bag. Rooted Kava recommends using 150-200 micron nut milk bags (you can find the strainer bags in the accessories section) and placing 50-60 grams per quart inside the bag. Use the drawstring at the top of the bag and tie off to secure the root inside the bag.

Universal method to make Kava.
Traditional Kava the national drink of Fiji. Kava is a mildly narcotic drink made from mixing the powdered root of the pepper plant with water and results in a numb feeling and a sense of relaxation

Example: If you wanted to make 2 quarts., or half-gallon you would put 120 grams in your strainer bag.

Place strainer bag in a mixing bowl and start to pour your water over it in micro-pours. We recommend 3-4 “washes” per batch so gauge your pouring in that way. Once you pour over, place your left hand on the top of the bag and start massaging the kava in the water. Make sure when you are washing you are agitating the entirety of roots inside the bag. Once the water turns to a blonde milky substance that wash is done. Pour that into the container you want to store your kava and start your next wash in your mixing bowl. There are many different ways to agitate the root but find which way works best for you. We’ve found rapid, violent motions work best to activate the kavalactones. We’d love to hear your experiences and how this works for you and feel free to ask us any questions moving forward. Check our Food Label Symbols Link !!!